A Thought for the Week

Podcast Episodes

Chayei Sarah: Values and Actions

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

A thought for the week of Chayei Sarah 5784/2023.

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Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

A thought about compassion and empathy for the week of Parshat Vayeira 5784/2023.

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Lech Lecha

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

In this episode: 9 minutes about Avraham, Terach, and the need for unity this week.

Audio URL


Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

A thought for the week of Parshat Noach 5784/2023.

Audio URL


Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

A thought for the week of Parshat Breisheet 5784/2023.

Audio URL


Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join Rabbi Jay Kelman, the founding director of Torah in Motion, as he shares a thought about the weekly parsha.

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