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Menachot 28: The Temple Lulav

The opening Mishna of masechet menachot teaches that just because one lacks proper intent…

Sukkot: The Beauty of the Etrog

Judaism is not oblivious to the power and even importance of physical beauty. Phrases such as yefat…

Menachot 29: Moshe Meets Akiva

“Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav: When Moses ascended on high, he found the Holy One,…

Haazinu: Action Reaction

Jewish thought teaches that the physical and spiritual worlds are meant to function harmoniously.…

Yom Kippur: Welcoming the Evil Inclination

“For the sin that we sinned before you with the evil inclination”.  The double…

Menachot 29: The Death of Rabbi Akiva

One of the most moving parts of the Yom Kippur davening is the recital of the asara…

Let's Listen To Some Lashon Hara

“Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav: the majority [of people sin] regarding theft, a minority…

Menachot 18: Loving Torah

“Blessed are Torah scholars for whom the words of Torah are very dear to them” (…

Nitzavim: Near and Dear

One of the most vexing issues in Biblical interpretation is the relationship between pshat, loosely…

Menachot 12: Time over Space

There is no area of Jewish law as regimented as that of sacrifices. There are strict rules as to…

Ki Tavo: The Presence of G-d

In the secular world in which we live it can be—and often is—hard to feel the presence…

Ki Teitzei: Demanding More

When studying Torah we must study not only its content, but also its form; not just what the…

Menachot 6: Benefitting Sinners

In 1977, the New York State Legislature passed the “Son of Sam law”. Named for serial…

Shoftim: Enabling Evil

Evil does not exist in a vacuum. A culture is needed for evil to be nurtured, in which it…

Menachot 2: The Power of Logic

There is seemingly no better proof for a Talmudic viewpoint than support from a biblical verse…

An Introduction to Masechet Menachot

“Now it came to pass after many days, that Cain brought of the fruit of the soil an offering…

Re'eh: Springtime

“Guard the month of the spring, and make Pesach to the Lord your G-d, because it was in the month…

Zevachim 88: Clothes Make the Man - and Woman

The fashion industry is a one that employs millions of people worldwide and both reflects and molds…