
All too often the financial news, especially when viewed from an ethical perspective is disheartening. The Talmudic adage that all sin with regard to…


From an ethical perspective this past year has not been a very good one. There has been a seemingly endless stream of scandals involving money…


Issues of church and state—especially in the United States, with its constitutional separation of these two realms—are always controversial, often…


Rav Yisroel Salanter, the 19th century ethicist, noted that it takes much more moral strength to be a businessman with integrity than to be a rabbi.…


It takes great moral strength to be a public servant. As guardians of the public purse they must decide where to spend money and equally importantly…


Like most children growing up in Canada, hockey was a beloved part of my childhood. Doing my best imitation of Bobby Hull (for some strange reason I…


For weeks the GM and Chrysler have been warning that unless their workers make major wage concessions the companies will be forced to file for…


Family feuds, especially around money, can get very nasty. Throw in some religious tension and watch the sparks fly. A nasty court battle is ongoing…


Tzedakah has become big business. With the amazing amounts of wealth created in the post war period (the recession notwithstanding we are blessed to…


The proliferation of technology has added new meaning to the Talmudic teachings that “there is a seeing eye, a hearing ear and all our actions are…


Our Sages, ever so perceptive of human nature, note that a person reveals his true self through his “pocket, his drink and his anger (b’kiso, koso,…


With the drop in net worth that many have experienced I had planned to write about the need for even greater efforts of tzedaka. With so many more…


As the financial markets continue on their wild rides analysts form all walks of life continue debating the causes which led to the meltdown hoping…


“Whomever has a hundred desires two hundred” our Sages declare with their keen insight into human nature. Tragically we are witness to those who have…


Tragically natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is familiar – pictures of destruction and death, with pale looking…


With the United States and possibly the world economy teetering on the brink of recession, central bankers around the world have been feverishly…


How sad when the giving of a large charitable gift becomes the source of friction and law suits. In 1991 Sears Canada Inc. donated $10 million to…


Office chatter has long been a staple of the workplace. While such occasional chit chat can serve to enhance the atmosphere and collegiality amongst…


Despite pockets of great wealth many Jews continue to live below the poverty line, and middle class Jews are being priced out of a Jewish education.…


The accusations against an official of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in a gambling scandal afford us the opportunity for a brief overview…


The obligation to pay a worker on time is so central to Jewish ethics that failure to do is a violation of five Biblical commandments (eating pork in…


The ever increasing costs of Jewish education have been the focus of many articles recently including at least three in this newspaper just this past…


The ever-increasing costs of Jewish education have been the focus of many articles recently, including at least three in the Canadian Jewish News…


The riveting financial news of the past month has been the trial of Conrad Black; accused of fraud, racketeering, money laundering and obstruction of…