Panel: Orthodoxy Encounters Modernity: A Dialogue on the Issues that Face Us
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Meet the speakers

Dr. Elliott Malamet
Dr. Malamet received his doctorate in English Literature from the University of Toronto, where he taught from 1987-1993. Dr. Malamet's work in the field of spiritual education has been featured in the leading Canadian newspapers and he has appeared on Canadian radio and television. He has run seminars on teaching Judaism to young people in the United States, Canada, England and Israel and is consulted by people worldwide on the subject of Jewish education. A sought-after speaker in Canada and overseas, Dr.…

Dr. Marvin Schick
Marvin Schick received smicha from the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School and his doctorate from New York University. He taught constitutional law for many years at the City University of New York and the New School for Social Research, authoring Learned Hand's Court, which was published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Schick served as Administrative Assistant to Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York City and has held a number of communal positions. He has been active in Jewish communal life…

Dr. Samuel Heilman
Samuel Heilman OBM held the Harold Proshansky Chair in Jewish Studies at the Graduate Center and was Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Queens College of the City University of New York. He has also been Scheinbrun Visiting Professor of Sociology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem , visiting professor of social anthropology at Tel Aviv University , and a Fulbright visiting professor at the Universities of New South Wales and Melbourne in Australia . He has been a guest lecturer…

Rabbi Dr. Adam S Ferziger
Professor Adam S. Ferziger Professor Adam S. Ferziger holds the Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch Chair for Research of the Torah and Derekh Erez Movement in the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. He is co-convener of the annual Oxford Summer Institute for Modern and Contemporary Judaism, University of Oxford, UK, and a senior associate of the Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. An intellectual and social historian, Ferziger’s research focuses on Jewish…

Rabbi Gil Student
Rabbi Gil Student is the president of Yashar Books, a new Jewish publishing house, and the author of the Hirhurim-Musings blog. He studied in Yeshiva University and has private ordination. His publications include articles in newspapers and journals, and a book titled Can The Rebbe Be Moshiach?