Hindu Hassidim: How East Meets West (Renewing Our Spirit 2013)
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Meet the speaker

Rabbi Dr. Herzl Hefter
Rav Herzl Hefter is a graduate of Yeshiva University where he learned under the tutelage of Rav Yerucham Gorelik זצ"ל and Rav Yosef Dov Soloveichik זצ''ל. For the next ten years, Rav Hefter continued his Torah studies at Yeshivat Har Etzion under Rav Aharon Lichtenstein. Most recently, Rav Hefter taught advanced Talmud to the Kollel fellows at Yeshivat Hamivtar in Efrat. Prior to that Rav Hefter taught Yoreh De’ah to smicha students at the Gruss Kollel of Yeshiva University for 17…