Beyond Labels: Can't We All Get Along?
This is the 2013 installation of the Joseph and Ruth Kelman z"l Memorial Lectures, sponsored by the Gutenberg and Kelman families in honour of the yahrzeits of their parents.
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Meet the speakers

Rabbi Avi Shafran
Rabbi Avi Shafran is the director of public affairs and spokesman for Agudath Israel of America. He has, for a number of years, written a weekly column syndicated to Jewish and general newspapers and websites. Rabbi Shafran is the author of four books, including “Migrant Soul: The Story of an American Ger” and a new collection of essays entitled “It’s All in the Angle.” He is a musmach of Rav Yitzchok Ruderman, zt"l, of Ner Israel in Baltimore and served as a…

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin has served as spiritual leader of Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, New Jersey, since 1984. With a membership of approximately 700 families, Ahavath Torah is the largest orthodox synagogue in Northern New Jersey. Rabbi Goldin has already made an impact on the broader Jewish community, as can be seen by his selection as one of the “Forward 50”, the Forward Magazine’s list of Jewish communal leaders who have made a difference this past year. An articulate spokesmen for…