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Free MP3!

We are offering a free download of the mp3 recording of our recent program, The Agunah Crisis: New…

Yoma 52: There's No Way to Know

Great literature lends itself to multiple, even contradictory, interpretations. And the Bible is--…

Bo: All Together Now

This d’var Torah is sponsored by Claire and Howard Glowinsky l'ilui nishmas Chanah bas…

Yoma 48: Try a Little Harder

One of the major debates in Jewish law is whether mitzvoth require kavanah, intent to fulfill the…

Yoma 47: Raising Great Children

There is nothing more challenging and important, for a parent and for a community, than raising…

Powerless in Toronto

It’s always important to remind ourselves to be thankful for those things we take for granted…

Yoma 38: What a Loser

"And [we remember] these for degradation: those of Beit Garmu didnot want to teach on the…

Yoma 37: Winning the Lottery

One of the central features of the Yom Kippur service was that involving the two goats: one…

Shemot: The Ineffable Name

"And he saw an Egyptian man hitting a Hebrew of his brothers" (2:11). To the slave in…

Yoma 36: What Sin Comes First?

The kohen gadol performed vidui, confession, three times on Yom Kippur. The first…

Yoma 35: Not Such a Good Excuse

One of the most difficult things for we humans to do is to admit that we are wrong. Even when we…

Pushing the Door on Tuition Wide Open

Between the time of my writing my last article on making Jewish high school free and its appearance…

Dr. Marc Shapiro to Serve as Scholar in Residence at Kehillat Shaarei Torah (KST)

Dr. Marc Shapiro will be scholar in residence at Kehillat Shaarei Torah (KST) on Shabbat, December…

Yoma 28: Prehistoric Torah

"The Holy One blessed be He looked into Torah and created the world" (Breisheet Rabba 1:2…

Rabbi Moshe Taragin to Serve as Scholar in Residence at Or Chaim Minyan

Rabbi Moshe Taragin will be scholar in residence at Or Chaim Minyan on the Shabbat of December 7,…

Vayigash: Thank You for That

"And Joseph could not restrain himself" (45:1). After 22 years, Joseph and his brothers…

Yoma 22: Murder in the Mikdash

One of the fundamental teachings of Judaism is that nothing is inherently good or bad--it all…

Yoma 19: Yom Kippur Sleep

The kohen gadol had a hard day of work on Yom Kippur. The avodah, the special Yom Kippur…