One of the primary goals of the Torah is the inducement of fear of heaven. “Now what does Hashem, your G-d ask of you? Only to fear Hashem your G-d,…

The measure of a human being is revealed by the little things. The greater the person, the more one understands the significance of the small…
Had things gone according to plan, the chumash would be a much shorter book. If not for the sin of the golden calf, there would have been…

"And now, Israel, what does G-d, Ma Hashem, want from you but just to fear the Lord your G-d, to walk in all His ways, to love Him and to…

"According to the days that you spent exploring the land, forty days, a year for a day, you shall carry your sin and you will know My actions…

The Talmud declares that wisdom depends on the ability to make distinctions. It is for this reason that havdalah, the ritual marking the end of the…

Moshe Rabbeinu was a most humble person. We know this because the Torah tells us so, the only trait of Moshe that the Torah actually enumerates. But…

“And they placed upon them taskmasters lema’an anoto, in order to afflict them in their burdens” (Shemot 1:11). This inuei, affliction is the first…

Effort vs. result. The relative value of these two concepts is a fundamental dispute between our western worldview and Jewish teachings. The secular…

Raising an independent nation is no easy task. The generation that left Egypt was (understandably) not up to the task. Whether or not their children…