Speaker Profile Yoetzet Halacha Adina Blaustein

Adina Blaustein lives in Beachwood, Ohio, and is the Content Team Director at Aleph Beta. She also serves Green Road Synagogue as the Yoetzet Halacha. She has lectured widely, including for Case Western Reserve’s Siegel College and the OU Nach Yomi program. She holds a B.A. in English Literature and an M.A. in Bible from Yeshiva University, an M.A. in English Education from Brooklyn College, and was certified as a Yoetzet Halacha from Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center’s U.S. Yoatzot Halacha Fellows Program. In 2018, Adina won the Kohelet Prize for her innovative approach to Tanach education. Adina is currently writing a book about haftorot as part of the Sefaria Word-by-Word fellowship.

Speaker's Resources

e-TiM: Purim Yom Iyyun

Professor Yitzhak Berger, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Hayyim Angel, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rachel Sharansky Danziger, Yoetzet Halacha Adina Blaustein, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick