Part of the purpose of the harsh treatment of the Sotah is convincing the suspected adulteress to admit her infidelity. By doing so she is…

In our last post we discussed the Talmudic tendency to group together sayings of one particular sage quoting another. In…

Originally meant as an oral “text” the Talmud features a number of mnemonic devices to aid in recall and memorization. Thus…

It is an amazing aspect of the human condition that two people can see the same thing yet see it most differently. That is likely why the…

One of most bitter and divisive (Jewish) fights of the 19th century was that regarding the use of the vernacular in the synagogue -…

In our last post we discussed how a rasha arum, a cunning evildoer, is amongst the mevali olam, those who are destroyers of…

“He [Rabbi Yehoshua] used to say: a pious fool, a cunning evildoer, an ascetic woman and the wounds of the ascetics destroy the world…

In our last post we discussed the view of Rabbi Eliezer that one who teaches his daughter Torah is as if he has taught her tiflut, frivolity. To…

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is this notion that lay at the heart of one of the most important disputes of the Talmud (though many are…

For most people carpool is a scheduling nuisance, one of those necessary but unwanted jobs of parenting. Helping with homework is not much better.…

Just this week an Ontario Court ruled that a 19 year old convicted of first degree murder of a police officer would be spared jail time (he was 15 at…

What a Beginning!: Sotah 14 “Rav Simlai expounded: The Torah begins with an act of chesed, benevolence, and ends…

As we end the first chapter of masechet Sotah (and as discussed in our last post) we transition from discussing the punishment of the sotah…

"In the measure that a person measures so it is measured to him. She [the sotah] adorned her body in order to transgress, God has…

Teaching is what one would call a long-term investment. Teachers plant seeds but rarely get to see the fruit of their labour, leading many to…

Our Sages were great realists. They understood the complexities of the human condition and how even otherwise great people can make…

The Mishna is almost exclusively a legal code and like all codes displays little 'emotion' even when it describes emotionally wrenching…

Jewish law and thought covers all aspects of life and that means nothing is beyond the purview of Talmudic and rabbinic discussion. With the primary…

The opening lines of a book are meant to set the tone of the book - providing background, introducing its major characters and themes.…

Seder Nasim is the shortest of the six orders of the Mishna comprising only seven of the sixty-three masechtot and “only…