e-TiM: Online Program
e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers

Please join us Thursdays at 8:30pm Eastern time for a shiur in Parshat Hashavua given each week by a different guest speaker.

Subscribe to the 'Parsha in Motion' Podcast. The recorded live class will be available in podcast form each week.

Program details


October 12, 2023 to October 21, 2024


Thursdays 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM EDT



Parsha podcast

Subscribe to the 'A Thought for the Week' Podcast. The recorded live class will be available in podcast form each week.

Classes of e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers

Source Material

Beresheet with Rabbi Elliot Schrier (PDF)

Lech-Lecha with Ruth Shane # 1 (PDF)

Lech-Lecha with Ruth Shane # 2 (PDF)

Vayera with Dr. Moshe Sokolow (PDF)

Vayera with Dr. Moshe Sokolow (PDF)

Toldot with Sofia Freudenstein (PDF)

Vayetze with Ruth Shane # 1 (PDF)

Vayetze with Ruth Shane # 2 (PDF)

Vayishlach with Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom (PDF)

Miketz/Chanukah with Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Samuels (PDF)

Vayigash with Rabbi Judah Kerbel (PDF)

Vayechi: Eternal Kingdom with Rabbi Yaakov Taubes (PDF)

Bo: The Foundations of Emunah, and the Value of Pidyon Shvuyim (PDF)

Yitro: Rethinking the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Va'Em (PDF)

Mishpatim: The Hebrew Slave (PDF)

Terumah: Sanctuary, Tabernacle, Meeting Place (PDF)

Tetzaveh: The Burden of Holy Clothing (PDF)

Ki Tisa: The Other Ten Commandments (PDF)

Vayakhel: The Cultivation of Talent (PDF)

Pekudei: The End Explains the Beginning (PDF)

Shmini: The Story of Nadav and Avihu throughout Tanakh - Sarah Gordon (PDF)

Tazria: Purity: Option or Obligation? - Rabbi Asher Finkelstein (PDF)

Acharei Mot: Acharei Mot and the Story of Meat and Blood - Rabbi Sam Berkovitz (PDF)

Kedoshim : The Kedusha of Today’s Israel - Rabbi David Fine (PDF)

Emor : he Mysterious Mekallel Episode - Rabbi Josh Gutenberg (PDF)

Behar: Shmitta, Yovel, Revelation at Sinai, and the book of Vayikra! - Rabbi Moshe Shulman (PDF)

Bamidbar - Nasso 5784 : Was the Sotah Meant to be Innocent? - Yosef Lindell (June 6) (PDF)

Naso 5784 : Why & Where Parshat Naso belongs in Sefer Vayikra - Rabbi Menachem Leibtag (June 14) (PDF)

Shelach 5784 : Haftarah as Commentary: Revisiting Parshat Shelach in light of Joshua Chapter 2 - Adina Blaustein (June 27) (PDF)

Balak 5784 : What the Rest of Tanakh Teaches Us About Balaam and the Sin of Baal Peor - Rabbi Dr. Ezra Frazer (July 18) (PDF)

Pinchas 5784: Religious Zealotry: Good, Bad or Ugly? - Zissy Turner (July 25) (PDF)

Mattot-Massei 5784: The Finale of Our Journey in the Desert - Dr. Nechama Price (August 1) (PDF)

Devarim 5784: Sefer Devarim and Questions of Composition: Medieval Sources - Professor Yitzhak Berger (PDF)

Va'ethchanan 5784: Zachor Veshamor Bedibur Echad - Rabbi Aviad Tabory (PDF)

Eikev 5784 : Deuteronomy and Divine-Human Communication - Rabbi Eric Grossman (PDF)

Re'eh 5784: Sacrificing in our Backyard - Devora Chait-Roth (August 29) (PDF)

Ki Teze 5784 - Moshe’s commentary on the life of Yaakov -Ruth Shane (September 12) (PDF)

Ki Tavo 5784 - Protecting ourselves against the dangers of power - Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb (PDF)

VeZot Haberakhah: An Exegetical Medley - Dr. Moshe Sokolow (PDF)

Meet the speakers