e-TiM: Online Program
e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers

Program details


October 12, 2023 to October 21, 2024


Thursdays 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM Eastern

Please join us Thursdays at 8:30pm Eastern time for a shiur in Parshat Hashavua given each week by a different guest speaker.

Subscribe to the 'Parsha in Motion' Podcast. The recorded live class will be available in podcast form each week.



Meet the speakers

Classes of e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers

Source Material

Beresheet with Rabbi Elliot Schrier (PDF)

Lech-Lecha with Ruth Shane # 1 (PDF)

Lech-Lecha with Ruth Shane # 2 (PDF)

Vayera with Dr. Moshe Sokolow (PDF)

Vayera with Dr. Moshe Sokolow (PDF)

Toldot with Sofia Freudenstein (PDF)

Vayetze with Ruth Shane # 1 (PDF)

Vayetze with Ruth Shane # 2 (PDF)

Vayishlach with Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom (PDF)

Miketz/Chanukah with Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Samuels (PDF)

Vayigash with Rabbi Judah Kerbel (PDF)

Vayechi: Eternal Kingdom with Rabbi Yaakov Taubes (PDF)

Bo: The Foundations of Emunah, and the Value of Pidyon Shvuyim (PDF)

Yitro: Rethinking the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Va'Em (PDF)

Mishpatim: The Hebrew Slave (PDF)

Terumah: Sanctuary, Tabernacle, Meeting Place (PDF)

Tetzaveh: The Burden of Holy Clothing (PDF)

Ki Tisa: The Other Ten Commandments (PDF)

Vayakhel: The Cultivation of Talent (PDF)

Pekudei: The End Explains the Beginning (PDF)

Shmini: The Story of Nadav and Avihu throughout Tanakh - Sarah Gordon (PDF)

Tazria: Purity: Option or Obligation? - Rabbi Asher Finkelstein (PDF)

Acharei Mot: Acharei Mot and the Story of Meat and Blood - Rabbi Sam Berkovitz (PDF)

Kedoshim : The Kedusha of Today’s Israel - Rabbi David Fine (PDF)

Emor : he Mysterious Mekallel Episode - Rabbi Josh Gutenberg (PDF)

Behar: Shmitta, Yovel, Revelation at Sinai, and the book of Vayikra! - Rabbi Moshe Shulman (PDF)

Bamidbar - Nasso 5784 : Was the Sotah Meant to be Innocent? - Yosef Lindell (June 6) (PDF)

Naso 5784 : Why & Where Parshat Naso belongs in Sefer Vayikra - Rabbi Menachem Leibtag (June 14) (PDF)

Shelach 5784 : Haftarah as Commentary: Revisiting Parshat Shelach in light of Joshua Chapter 2 - Adina Blaustein (June 27) (PDF)

Balak 5784 : What the Rest of Tanakh Teaches Us About Balaam and the Sin of Baal Peor - Rabbi Dr. Ezra Frazer (July 18) (PDF)

Pinchas 5784: Religious Zealotry: Good, Bad or Ugly? - Zissy Turner (July 25) (PDF)

Mattot-Massei 5784: The Finale of Our Journey in the Desert - Dr. Nechama Price (August 1) (PDF)

Devarim 5784: Sefer Devarim and Questions of Composition: Medieval Sources - Professor Yitzhak Berger (PDF)

Va'ethchanan 5784: Zachor Veshamor Bedibur Echad - Rabbi Aviad Tabory (PDF)

Eikev 5784 : Deuteronomy and Divine-Human Communication - Rabbi Eric Grossman (PDF)

Re'eh 5784: Sacrificing in our Backyard - Devora Chait-Roth (August 29) (PDF)

Ki Teze 5784 - Moshe’s commentary on the life of Yaakov -Ruth Shane (September 12) (PDF)

Ki Tavo 5784 - Protecting ourselves against the dangers of power - Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb (PDF)

VeZot Haberakhah: An Exegetical Medley - Dr. Moshe Sokolow (PDF)