e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: The Haftarot: How to Profit from the Prophets Understanding the Weekly Haftarah

Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM Eastern

The Haftarot of Sefer Vayikra 

are dedicated by 

Chesky and Deborah Rubin in memory of Chesky's father,
Chaim Rubin z"l, חיים בן יחזקאל שרגא רובין .

The Haftarot of Sefer Shemot

are dedicated by

Rabbi Refoel and Sharon Auman in memory of their parents:
Rabbi Leonard and Jean Pearl,
הרב יהודה ליב בן הרב בן ציון ז״ל and טויבע זעלדע בת ר׳ זאב ע״ה ,

Edith and Reiner Auman,
אסתר בת ר׳ רפאל ע״ה and ר׳ יונה בן ר׳ צדוק ז״ל .

and their son
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Auman, הרב שמואל אליהו ז״ל בן הרב רפאל נ״י  


Tanach, Parsha, Neviim

Meet the speaker

Dr. Moshe Sokolow

Dr. Moshe Sokolow is Associate Dean and holds the Fanya Gottesfeld-Heller Chair of Jewish Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, Yeshiva University. He teaches doctoral level courses on the history and philosophy of Jewish education and on curriculum development, and masters’ courses in the pedagogy of limmudei kodesh in general, and Tanakh in particular. He is the author of חצי נחמה: Studies in the Weekly Parashah Based on the Lessons of Nehama Leibowitz (URIM, 2008); TANAKH: An Owner’s

Dr. Moshe Sokolow bio & resources

Classes of e-TiM: The Haftarot: How to Profit from the Prophets

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Source Material

Introduction to the Haftarot -Source 1 (PDF)

Haftarat Noach -Source 2 (PDF)

Haftarat Lech Lecha -Source 3 (PDF)

Haftarat Vayera -Source 4 (PDF)

Haftarat Chayei Sarah -Source 5 (PDF)

Haftarat Toldot -Source 6 (PDF)

Haftarat Vayetzei -Source 7 (PDF)

Haftarat VaYishlach -Source 8 (PDF)

Haftarat VaYeishev Shabbat Chanuka -Source 9 (PDF)

Haftarat Miketz -Source 10 (PDF)

Haftarat Vayigash -Source 11 (PDF)

Haftarat Vaychi -Source 12 (PDF)

Haftarat Shmot -Source 13 (PDF)

Haftarat Vaeira -Source 14 (PDF)

Haftarat Bo -Source 15 (PDF)

Haftarat Bshalach - Source 16 (PDF)

Haftarat Yitro - Source 17 (PDF)

Shabbat Sh'kalim - Source 18 (PDF)

Shabbat Zachor - Source 19 (PDF)

Amalek in Beshalach - Source 20 (PDF)

Parashat Parah - Source 21 (PDF)

Parashat Ha-Chodesh -Source 22 (PDF)

Parashat Vayikra -Source 23 (PDF)

Shabbat HaGadol Parashat Tzav-Source 24 (PDF)

Parashat Shmini -Source 25 (PDF)

Parshiot Tazria Metzora -Source 26a (PDF)

Yom Haatzmaut -source 26b (PDF)

Parshiot Acharei Mot -Kedoshim Source 27 (PDF)

Parshat Emor source 28 (PDF)

Parshat Behar- Bechukotai source 29 (PDF)

Parshat Bamidbar source 30 (PDF)

Parshat Naso source 31 (PDF)

Parshat Behaaloscha (Prophecy) source 32 (PDF)

Parshat Sh'lach source 33 (PDF)

Parshat Korach source 34 (PDF)

Parshat Hukkat source 35 (PDF)

Parshat Balak source 36 (PDF)

Parshat Pinchas source 37a (PDF)

Parshat Pinchas source 37b (PDF)

Parshat Matot Mas'ei source 38 (PDF)

D'varim Chazon source 39 (PDF)

Parshat V'etchanan source 40 (PDF)

Parshat Eikev source 41 (PDF)

Parshat Re'eih source 42 (PDF)

Parshat Shoftim source 43 (PDF)

Parshat Ki-Tavo source 44 (PDF)

Parshat Nitzavim/Vayeilech source 45 (PDF)

Parshat Ha'azinu source 46 (PDF)

Shabbat Shuva (PDF)