Embark on a journey of Jewish learning and discovery, exploring the depth of our Halacha resources, where tagged items including audio, programs, and podcast episodes await your exploration.
Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Rabbi Dr. Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi Dr. Adam S Ferziger and 1 more
If you can't join us in person for our 15th annual conference, register now to view our Saturday night panel via livestream.
You will receive your login instructions under separate cover.
The Dying Patient: A Practical Halachik Discussion with Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg, Pediatric neurologist, Head of the committee that composed the Israeli Dying Patient Act Monday August 1, 2016 8:00 pm (mincha at 7:45 pm) Or Cham Yeshiva 159…
Friday night Oneg Shabbat (This session will take plance in a private home, please be in touch for details):
Leadership vs Followship: Are Both Needed? Comparing Miriam and Moshe to Devorah and Barak
Shabbat morning After kiddush 11:20am…
Batya Hefter, Dr. Daniel Lagace-Roy, Dr. Elliott Malamet and 5 more
Join us for our 13th annual conference, with fascinating lectures and hard-hitting, provocative panel discussions with some of the finest scholars in the Jewish world today.
Special advance price: $40 by December 12
Conference fee (after…
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is one of the world's leading experts on shemita, offering a view that combines halacha and the underlying Jewish values that are embedded in the shemita concept. A popular lecturer and educator and prolific author, Rav…
There is no charge to attend this three-day seminar on Jewish thought aimed at university students. Attendees present on all three days will receive a free TiMPass card.
Starbucks coffee and refreshments will be served.
See our flyer here.
This presentation by Dr. Marc Shapiro continues the Torah in Motion series "The Thought and Worldview of Influential Jewish Thinkers."
Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt"l, was one of the most respected arbiters of Jewish law of this…