Live Programs
Renewing Our Spirit 2014 13th Annual Conference in Memory of Nathan (Noteh) Krauss, z"l

Join us for our 13th annual conference, with fascinating lectures and hard-hitting, provocative panel discussions with some of the finest scholars in the Jewish world today. 

Special advance price: $40 by December 12

Conference fee (after December 12 at noon, door only) $50

Individual Session: $15

Lunch included for those who pre-register by Wednesday December 10th at 2:00pm

TiMPass holders  - no charge (please email us at to order your complimentary lunch). 

Students - no charge for program with valid student ID. ($15 fee for lunch)

To see our flyer, please click here

To purchase a TiMPass, please click here.  A TiMPass includes: free entries to all programs for a year, unlimited downloads from our MP3 library and a tax receipt to the maximum allowable by law

To listen to MP3 recordings of sessions at previous Renewing Our Spirit conferences, please click here. 

Sponsorships begin at $180.


Saturday night, December 13, 7:30 pm:

The Ethics of War: A panel discussion featuring

  • Professor Asa Kasher
  • Rabbi Aryeh Klapper
  • Professor Daniel Lagace-Roy

Moderated by Dr. Elliott Malamet


Meet the speakers

Classes of Renewing Our Spirit 2014