e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Men, Women, and Ritual: A Textual Look

Co-sponsored with Deracheha

Women's participation in Jewish ritual is not just a women's issue, or a source of controversy. In this 14 part-series together with Laurie Novick and Ilana Sober Elzufon we will analyze texts relating to kriat shema, tzitzit, tefillin, mechitza, zimmun, minyan and Torah reading, going beyond the soundbites to explore what new and traditional sources have to say about questions we're facing now, taking women's and men’s voices into account.

An ongoing series on Wednesdays, starting November 11

Part 1: Wednesday, November 11:

Introduction and Methodology: Kriat Shema as a Case Study with Laurie Novick

Part 2 and 3: November 18 and 25:

Analysis of Tzitzit with Laurie Novick

Part 4 and 5:  December 2 and 9:

Tefilin with Ilana Sober Elzufon

Part 6: December 16
Men, Women, and Ritual on Chanuka: Hallel Ve-hoda'a
Laurie Novick
This shiur is sponsored by Mimi and Byron Shore in memory of Mimi's father, Naftali ben Mendel z"l, whose Yarzheit is Rosh Chodesh Tevet. May his neshama have an aliya and may we be blessed with good health and long life.

Part 7, 8 and 9 : December 23, 30, January 6
Mechitza with Laurie Novick

Part 9, 10 and 11 :  January 13, 20 and 27:
Zimun with Laurie Novick

Part 12 and 13: February 3 and 10
Minyan with Ilana Sober Elzufon 

Part 14 - 17: Wednesdays, February 17th - March 17
Celebrating our Miracles: Men, Women and Ritual on Purim and Pesach
Laurie Novick

February 17 and 24 Zachor, Megilla, and More
March 3 and 10 Women at the Seder



Meet the speakers

Classes of e-TiM: Men, Women, and Ritual: A Textual Look

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