e-TiM: Online Program
Tisha B'Av Program 2021 -Online Shaarei Shomayim and Torah in Motion


Truly understand and feel the losses of Tisha B'Av and sharpen our ability to focus on the mourning required on this day.

The Final Days of First Temple Jerusalem

Shulie Mishkin

Re-examining Tisha B'Av in Light of its Torah Reading

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

What Might a Secular Tisha B'Av Be?

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler 

When Tisha B’Av Falls on Sunday

Rabbi Jay Kelman

Mourning for Millenia: Comparing Personal and National Tragedies

Rabbanit Dr. Tamara Spitz

Three Views on Rebuilding the Temple: Rav Kook, Rabbi Hirschensohn, and Theodore Herzl
Dr. Moshe Sokolow

Protesting G-d in the Face of Suffering: From Tanakh to Hasidut 

Rabbi Nati Helfgot

A Brief History of Holocaust Films: Themes, Trends, and Meaning

Jeff Glickman

The Tisha B'Av learning is dedicated in memory of Sylvia and Meyer Zeifman z”l  

Classes of Tisha B'Av Program 2021 -Online

Source Material

Meet the speakers