e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: The Tanakh Readings of Shavuot

The Tanakh Readings of Shavuot

Rabbi Hayyim Angel

Mondays, 10:00am Eastern

May 6
The Ten Commandments in Classical Commentary and Contemporary Scholarship

May 13
The Revelation at Sinai (Shemot Chapters 19, 20, and 24)

May 20
Ezekiel's Vision of the Celestial Chariot: Principles of Prophecy

May 27
'The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith': The Message of Habakkuk and Shauvot

June 3
The Complex Layers of Hesed in the Book of Ruth: Chapter 1

June 10
The Complex Layers of Hesed in the Book of Ruth: Chapters 2-4

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Hayyim Angel

Rabbi Hayyim Angel is the National Scholar of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals (jewishideas.org). He has taught advanced Bible courses to undergraduate, graduate, and rabbinical students at Yeshiva University since 1996. He also lectures widely in synagogues and schools throughout North America, and consults with yeshivot worldwide to improve their Tanakh curricula. He has authored or edited twenty books, and has published over 150 scholarly articles, primarily in Bible. Rabbi Angel’s scholarship focuses on the interaction between traditional and

Rabbi Hayyim Angel bio & resources

Classes of e-TiM: The Tanakh Readings of Shavuot

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