The Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is read on Shavuot both because of Ruth's conversion as a paradigm for receiving the Torah and the tradition that King David, her great-grandson, was born on Shavuot. The story explores the themes of loyalty and treason, Divine retribution, family devotion, and the relationship between Israel and its neighbors. It also touches on broader questions of Biblical themes such as Redemption and Kingship. While small in size, it has captured the imagination of scholars and lay alike. We will try to unpack this book in preparation for a more meaningful Shavuot experience!
May 7
Ruth: Of Loyalty & Treason (Ch. 1)
May 14
Ruth: Of Loyalty & Treason - Historical Context (Ch. 1)
May 21
Ruth: The Problematic Paradigm of Female Conversion in Tanakh (Ch. 1)
May 28
Ruth: The Paragon of Modesty (??) and the Moabite Question! (Ch. 2)
June 4
Ruth: Redemption & Immorality: Explaining the Inexplicable! (Ch. 3)
June 25