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Feb. 11, 1:00 pm:
A Post Temple Life: Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, Rabban Gamliel and Yavne
Feb. 18, 1:00 pm:
Winds of War: Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kokhba Revolt
Feb 25:
Purim: No Class
Mar. 4, 1:00 pm:
The Survivors Rebuild: Rabbi…
Jews and Christian share the same holy book—the Tanakh or “Old Testament.” But they have been arguing about its correct interpretation ever since the rise of Christianity. In this class we will examine how and when Jewish Bible…
In this far-ranging talk based on what Nishma Research heard back from over 10,000 Jewish respondents, Mark will present results dealing with beliefs, practices, what we love most about Modern Orthodoxy, the issues that bind us, as well as…