Live Programs
Scholars in Residence: Dr. Aaron Koller and Shira Hecht-Koller

Sponsored by Ariella and Jules Samson in honour of Eliana Samson’s Bat Mitzvah
Please join us Shabbat April 29 as we welcome Dr Aaron Koller and Shira-Hecht Koller

At Or Chaim Minyan (159 Almore Ave.) 
Shabbat morning parasha shiur 7:45 am
On the Role of the שעיר לעזאזל: Rambam vs. Ramban, and the Modern Significance
Dr. Aaron Koller

Post-kiddush shiur (approx 11:15)
Bar Kokhba: Rebel, Messiah, Failure, Hero
Dr. Aaron Koller

Pre-מנחה shiur, 6:45pm 
Thresholds and Threshing Floors: Elisha ben Abuya and the Book of Ruth
Shira Hecht-Koller

Seudah Shlesheet:
21st Century Jewish Education: A Report from the Field
Shira Hecht-Koller and Dr. Aaron Koller

Shabbat Morning at the Mizrachi-Bayit (296 Wilson Ave.)
Sanctity in and out of the Miqdash
Shira Hecht-Koller

5:30pm at Clanton Park Synagogue (for women)
Biblical Creation in an Age of Science: What the Garden of Eden means in the Modern Age
Dr. Aaron Koller

Parsha podcast

Subscribe to the 'A Thought for the Week' Podcast. The recorded live class will be available in podcast form each week.

Meet the speakers