Please join us for a day of learning and Inspiration as we prepare for Yom Kippur

9:15am - 2:10pm Eastern
4:15pm - 9:10pm Israel Time

9:15am Eastern/4:15 Israel time
A Time to Tear and A Time to Mend: Reimagining Teshuva in Light of Rabbinic Narratives
Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz

G-d as Shaliach Tzibbur: The Role of Selichot on Yom Kippur
Rabbi Adam Mintz

10:35am Eastern/ 5:35pm Israel Time
Jewish Confrontations with G-d in Antiquity
Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich

Yonah vs G-d: Does Everyone Get to Do Teshuva?
Yoetzet Halacha Atara Kelman

11:55 break

12:10pm Eastern/7:10pm Israel
The Purpose, Privilege and Paradox of Teshuva
Professor Shoshana Schechter

12:50pm Eastern/7:50pm Israel time
Rav Yitzchak Hutner's Insights Into Yamim Noraim
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau

1:30pm Eastern/8:30pm Israel time
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the Teshuva Thought of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

The learning is sponsored by Nolene and Dr. David Maresky in honour and loving memory of their beloved parents, Rina and Shim Maresky z”l and Zelma and Jack Epstein z”l.