Shiva d'nechemta: Yeshayahu's Roadmap to Reconciliation

Adina Blaustein

Wednesdays, 12:00pm Eastern, 7:00pm Israel Time

Tisha B'av and Rosh Hashanah are two of the most emotionally contrasting days on the Jewish calendar, yet they are separated by just a few weeks. How can we move from the depths of despair to standing before God with sincerity and joy on Rosh Hashanah?
In this course, we will explore the seven haftarot of consolation, known as the "shiva di-nekhemta," read on the Shabbatot between Tisha B'av and Rosh Hashanah. These passages offer more than just words of comfort—they guide us through the complex emotional journey from loss to renewal. Together, we'll uncover how these haftarot help us process the pain of Tisha B'av and prepare, gradually and purposefully, for the high holidays.

August 21
Rebuilding Hope: The Broken Covenant and Redemption in Eikev and Isaiah

August 28
Understanding Divine Justice: Theodicy in Isaiah's vision for Re'eh

September 4
Justice Vs. Revenge: 'An Eye for an Eye' in Shoftim and Isaiah

September 11
Maternal Pain and Redemption: Feminine Themes in Isaiah and Ki Tetze

September 18
Redemption's Big Debate: Isaiah's Vision of Jerusalem vs. Nehemiah's Practical Focus

September 25
Can Redemption Come Without Repentance Final Reflections in Isaiah