e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: How to Study Chumash; One Book at a Time

Program details


November 3, 2024 to May 25, 2025


Sundays 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM Eastern

Next class

Sunday March 30, 2025


Sundays 11:15am Eastern, 6:15pm in Israel
*Please note that this class is taking place at 11:15am Eastern time, 5:15 PM Israel time on March 16 and 23 due to the time change

The Winter 2025 session begins on January 12, 2025 and we will discuss 

Exodus - Why the Book is Better than the Movie

As we have demonstrated in our previous series, every book of Neviim was written for a prophetic purpose, and when studying each book, it becomes critical to search for that  purpose to better appreciate its content.  In our new series, we will apply a similar principle to the five books of Chumash; but while doing so, we will constantly ponder the question, does each book stand alone, or does each book assume that its audience must read all five books to fully understand the purpose of each individual book.



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Meet the speaker

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, an internationally acclaimed bible scholar and pioneer of Jewish Education on the internet, is well known in the Jewish community for his essays on the weekly Bible portion.  His vibrant thematic-analytical approach blends the methods of modern academic scholarship with traditional Jewish approaches to the Biblical text. He is best known for his ability to teach students how to study rather than simply read Biblical passages. As his essays focus on meta-themes in the Bible, his readership

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag bio & resources

Past classes of e-TiM: How to Study Chumash; One Book at a Time

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