Live Programs
Scholar in Residence: Michelle Cohen Farber
Shiur after Kiddush (aprrox 11:20am)
The Importance of Community: Laws of Zimmun in Berakhot Daf 50 and Reflections on the Siyum HaShas for Women
Sponsored by Steve Jacobs and Family in observance of the yahrzeit of his father Moshe Jacobs, Moshe Eliezer ben Yitzchak Yaakov z"l and his dear wife Celeste Jacobs, Chava bat Binyamin v Rivka z"l. May their memories be for a blessing.
Seudah Shlesshet: A Scene from the Heavenly Court: An Aggada about our Expectations for Ourselves
Saturday night 8:30pm. (In a private home. Please email for details)
A Taste of the Daf - You Never Know What You Might Find. Missed Opportunities and False Assumptions
Sponsored by Dan Rabinovitch and Liann Granovsky
Please see the front page New York Times article about her here
You can listen to her shiurim here.