Live Programs
Renewing Our Spirit 2012: 11th Annual Conference in Memory of Nathan (Noteh) Krauss, z"l

Conference fee: $40, lunch included for pre-registrants and TiMPass holders Individual Session: $10 TiMPass holders and students - no charge

To purchase a TiMPass, please click here. 

Join us for our 11th annual conference, with fascinating lectures and hard-hitting, provocative panel discussions with some of the finest scholars in the Jewish world today. This year's conference pays special attention to the complexity of religion and culture in the State of Israel and touches on issues of military service; secular/religious relationships; Islam and Judaism; and the never-ending quest for a more spiritualized Judaism. Renewing Our Spirit is an annual conference in memory of Nathan (Noteh) Krauss, z"l.

To listen to MP3 recordings of sessions at Renewing Our Spirit:2011, please click here. 


Israel, Panels

Meet the speakers

Classes of Renewing Our Spirit 2012: 11th Annual Conference in Memory of Nathan (Noteh) Krauss, z"l