A Thought for the Week

Podcast Episodes

Pinchas: The Wrong Leader

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss extreme and moderate leaders. 

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Balak: Love is Blind

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss love, hate, and saddling your donkey. 

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Chukat: Nothing New Under the Sun

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss when two stories are really one.

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Korach: That Was Really Dumb

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the difficulty of putting the needs of the community ahead of one’s own.

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Shelach: Scouts and Strangers

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the sin of the spies and missed opportunities. 

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Beha'alotcha: Down the Mountain

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Please join as we discuss the beginning of the end of generation-one. 

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Nasso: Adultery isn't the Whole Story

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss a different way of looking at the Sotah episode. 

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Shavuot: A Lonely Holiday

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the historic evolution of the holiday of Shavuot.

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Bamidbar: By the Numbers

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss how the Torah uses numbers in non-literal ways.


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Bechukotai: It's Raining Outside

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join us to find out what Bechukotai has to say about how to achieve spiritual and material rewards. 

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