A Thought for the Week

Podcast Episodes

Vayeshev: What a Story

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the connections between the sale of Joseph and the episode of Judah and Tamar

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Vayishlach: What's in a Name

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the struggles of Yaakov. 

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Vayetze: Let Me Have It

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the importance of saying "please."

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Toldot: Maybe It's Time To Sin?

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss Yishmael, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yael and the history of Bnei Yisrael.

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Chayei Sarah: Avraham’s Eight Children

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the 12 sons of Yishmael, Nachor and Yaakov.

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Vayeira: Choosing Avraham

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss why Avraham wanted Yitzchak exposed to foreign ideas.

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Lech Lecha: Brotherly Love

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the relationship between the children of Terach. 

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Noach: The Unsung Heroes (Lemech and Terach Lead the Way)

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the crucial historic roles played by Lemech and Terach.

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Breisheet: A Play on Words

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we kick off our second year with a close reading of some key words at the beginning of the Torah. 

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Shemini Atzeret: The Rainy Season Begins

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss some of the reasons we read V'Zot Ha'Beracha on Shemini Atzeret. (They may not be what you think.) 

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