Podcast Episodes
Va'eira: Stranger Things
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss gratitude and its role in the Exodus from Egypt.
Shemot: Joseph Who?
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss what it is about Yosef that is worth remembering.
Vayechi: Jacob's Revenge
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss why Jacob didn't bless his children.
Vayigash: Joseph's Revenge
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss the tragic relationship between Joseph and his brothers.
Mikeitz: Internal Politics
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss how Joseph learns (the hard way) how to operate in the halls of power.
Chanukah: Ancient and Modern
Join as we discuss why such a minor holiday is of such major importance.
Vayeshev: What a Story
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss the connections between the sale of Joseph and the episode of Judah and Tamar
Vayishlach: What's in a Name
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss the struggles of Yaakov.
Vayetze: Let Me Have It
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss the importance of saying "please."
Toldot: Maybe It's Time To Sin?
Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman
Join as we discuss Yishmael, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yael and the history of Bnei Yisrael.