Embark on a journey of Jewish learning and discovery, exploring the depth of our Yom Kippur resources, where tagged items including audio, programs, and podcast episodes await your exploration.
Reexamining Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur :
Lessons from Tanach
Rabbi Moshe Shulman
Tuesdays, September, 10 - October, 8, 2024
1:00pm Eastern, 8:00pm Israel Time
September 10
Malchuyot, Zichronot & Iyov: Why is there no Teshuva on Rosh Hashanah…
Hashem Hu ha'Elokim - God's Name(s) in our Tanach & our High Holiday Prayers
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Sundays, September, 8 - October, 13, 2024
11:15am Eastern, 6:15pm Israel Time
September 8
The 'Two Names' for God in Parshat Breiseet…
“And G-d spoke to Moshe after the death of the two children of Aharon when they came close before G-d and they died” (Vayikra 16:1). The Torah then proceeds with the elaborate details of the special Yom Kippur service.
What is most unclear is…
“For the sin we sinned before You, b’ones u’beratzon, under duress and willingly. So begins the litany of al chets, the double acrostic listing of our sins we say nine times over the Yom Kippur holiday[1].
Each al chet contains a…