Speaker Profile Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot is rabbi of Congregation Netivot Shalom in Teaneck, NJ and serves as Chair of the Department of Torah Shebaal Peh at SAR High School in NYC. He is coordinator of the annual community Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought sponsored by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School and has taught in various adult education settings throughout North America, the UK and Israel.

R. Helfgot is a graduate of Yeshiva College with honors and was subsequently ordained by RIETS after studying for a number of years in its Kollel program. He also received a Masters in Jewish Education from the Azrieli Graduate School of Education and completed graduate work in Bible at the Bernard Revel Graduate School.

R. Helfgot studied for many years in Israel with Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l at Yeshivat Har Etzion and the Gruss Institute, becoming a close disciple, and has been involved in editing some of his Hebrew essays for publication.

He has published widely in English and Hebrew in areas of Bible, Jewish law and Ethics, Jewish Philosophy and contemporary events. He is the author of Divrei Berakah U-Moed, (2003) a collection of Hebrew novellae on halakhic topics as well as the editor of Community, Covenant and Commitment :Selected Letters and Communications of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (2005) and The YCT Companion to the Book of Samuel (2006) and Mikra and Meaning: Essays in Bible and Its Interpretation (2012) .

Speaker's Resources

e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker

Atara Kelman, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Nechama Price, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Miriam Gedwiser, Professor Shoshana Schechter, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Blackman, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Jaffe, Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer, Rabbi Eitan Aviner, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Rabbi Michael Whitman, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Noah Cheses, Rabbi Sam Berkovitz, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Ya'akov Trump, Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Yosie Levine, Rachel Slutsky, Rifki Freundlich, Shira Hecht-Koller, Zissy Turner

Melachim - Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

Time for Tanach

Channa Lockshin Bob, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Beni Gesundheit, Dr. Dov Zakheim, Dr. Erica Brown, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Orit Avnery, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Shalom Holtz, Dr. Shimon Lerner, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, Miriam Krupka, Rabbanit Dena Freundlich, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman, Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Yaakov Beasley, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, Rachel Sharansky Danziger

e-Tim: Perspectives on Pesach

Dr. Beni Gesundheit, Dr. Marc Shapiro, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler, Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rachel Friedman

e-Tim: Torah in Motion Live Online Learning

Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Beni Gesundheit, Dr. Daniel Rynhold, Dr. Deena Zimmerman, Dr. Marc Shapiro, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Rabbi Ari Perl, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler, Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky, Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg, Rabbi Jonathan Ziring, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, Rachel Friedman, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

Renewing Our Spirit Volume II Self, Family, Nation 2003

Dr. David Shatz, Dr. Rivkah Blau, Dr. Tamra Wright, Dr. William Helmreich, Leah Malamet, Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Yoel Ben-Avraham

Tisha B’Av Program

Dr. Reena Basser, Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Tuvia Aronson, Rabbi Zev Spitz

The People and the Book 2014

Dr. Alexander Green, Dr. Anna Urowitz-Freudenstein, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Zvi Grumet