e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: The Virtual Sefirah Series

Upcoming Shiurim: All times are Eastern

Tuesday, May 26  
11:00 am 
Yom Yerushalayim, Shavuot and Rav Kook’s Understanding of Jewish Unity 
Rabbi Doron Perez

Wednesday, May 27  
Shavuot Through the Prism of Birchot HaTorah
Dr. Beni Gesundheit

8:30 pm
The Fourteen Commandments
Rabbi Jay Kelman
In partnership with the RIETS Virtual Erev Shavuot Yarchei Kallah
Click here to see flyer

Thursday, May 28
Did the Jewish People Accept the Torah Willingly?
Rabbi Jay Kelman

To listen to shiurim you may have missed please click here.

While our online classes are offered for free your donation to support the learning is greatly appreciated. Please click here. Thank you. 


Meet the speakers

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