e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Pesach Yom Iyyun 5784

The Yom Iyyun is sponsored by Jeff Weiss in loving memory of his parents, Benjamin and Judith Weiss, Binyamin ben Chaim z"l, v'Chaya Vitel bat Yekutiel Yehuda z"l. Yehi zichronam baruch.

Please join us for learning and inspiration as we prepare for Pesach.

9:15am - 2:00pm Eastern
4:15pm - 9:00pm Israel time

9:15am Eastern - 4:15pm Israel time
Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz
Yael Leibowitz

9:45am Eastern - 4:45pm Israel Time
Hah Lachma Anya/Mah Nishtana 
Rabbi Adam Mintz

10:15am Eastern - 5:15pm Israel Time
Avadim Hayeenu Bnai Brak rabbis, I am like 70, Baruch HaMakom 
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

10:45am Eastern - 5:45pm Israel Time
The 4 Children
Rabbi Allen Schwartz

11:15am Eastern - 6:15pm Israel Time
Yachol miRosh Chodesh, Mitcheela, Baruch Shomer, v'hee She'amda 
Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb

11:45am Eastern - 6:45pm Israel Time

12:00pm Eastern - 7:00pm Israel Time
Tzeh Ulemad 
Yitzchak Etshalom

12:30pm Eastern - 7:30pm Israel Time
Dam v'eish, Eser makkot 
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

1:00pm Eastern - 8:00pm Israel time
Dayeinu, Rabban Gamliel 
Shulie Mishkin

1:30pm Eastern-8:30pm Israel time
B'chol dor vador - Hallel
Dr. Yael Ziegler

Details of others classes as we prepare for Pesach is here

Meet the speakers

Classes of e-TiM: Pesach Yom Iyyun 5784

Source Material