In the year 922CE a debate broke out that threatened to irrevocably cause the Jewish people to split apart. Pesach that year was scheduled to begin…

Rosh Hashanah 14: Walking in the Dark
“There are four New Years…on the first of Shevat is the New Year for trees, according to the words of Beit Shammai. Beit Hillel says [it is on] the…

Rosh Hashanah 2: Out of Order
One of the fundamental debates in Biblical interpretation is whether the Torah is written in chronological order. Rashi often employs the notion of…

Some Concluding Thoughts on Masechet Rosh Hashanah
The last Mishnah in Masechet Rosh Hashanah quotes a debate between the Sages and Rabban Gamliel on a fundamental aspect of prayer. "The same way…

Rosh Hashanah 29: Crying on Yom Tov
The fourth and last chapter of Masechet Rosh Hashanah focuses on the mitzvah of shofar and the special davening—malchiut, zichronot and…

Rosh Hashanah 29: A Split Personality
"Kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh, all Jews are co-signers [responsible] for one another" (Shevuot 39a). This is not just a nice idea…

Rosh Hashanah 25: A Saving Kiss
G-d is known as kel mistater, a hidden G-d (Yishayahu 46:15). Being created in His image, man, too, should yearn for anonymity. As Rav Soloveitchik…

Rosh Hashanah 23: A Sweet Smell
There is a widespread custom to decorate our shuls with flowers in honour of Shavuot. This beautiful custom commemorates the flourishing of the…

Rosh Hashanah 18: Changing G-d's Mind
In the last couple of posts, we discussed the fact that many of our prayers are likely to have little impact. We noted how many of the Talmudic views…

Rosh Hashanah 16b: Better Not Pray Too Much
We are familiar with the term iyun tefillah from our daily davening, where iyun tefillah is included amongst "the things…

Rosh Hashanah 16: Why Bother to Pray?
"At four times the world is judged: On Pesach for produce; on Shavuot for the fruit of the tree; on Rosh Hashanah, all who come into the world…

Rosh Hashanah 12: Rosh Hashanah Farming
Sometimes one can glean the most interesting information from the most unexpected places. "Our Rabbis taught: [one who] gathered a vegetable on…

Rosh Hashanah 10: Does It Really Matter?
History is not something that greatly interested our Talmudic Sages. Of course, such was the norm for all in the ancient world; and history as a…
Rosh Hashanah 9: Fasting and Feasting
"You shall afflict your soul on the ninth of the month [of Tishrei] in the evening, from evening to evening you shall rest" (Vayikra 23:32…

Rosh Hashanah 6: My Word Is My Bond
"The first of Nissan is the New Year for festivals" (Rosh Hashanah 2a). There is no holiday that begins on the first of Nissan. Rather, the…

Rosh Hashanah 4: Where Is My Reward?
The defeat of Babylonians by Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE led to a (temporary) golden age of Jewish life under Persian rule. Cyrus allowed the Jewish…

Some Opening Thoughts on Masechet Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah conjures up images of prayer, repentance, and new beginnings. It is the time of year when we are more focused on spiritual matters and…

Rosh Hashanah 2: A New Year for Kings
"Arba Rosh Hashana hem, there are four New Years; on the first of Nissan is the New Year for kings and festivals" (Rosh Hashanah 2a).…