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Two of the groups of people to whom we must show the greatest consideration are the widow and the orphan. It is these two who come in potential conflict when a man dies, leaving behind a widow and orphans. Upon death, the assets of a man…
"Initially one would establish a court in another place and nullify [the get]. Rabban Gamliel the Elder decreed that one may not do so,
mipnei tikkun olam (Gittin 32a)."
As I noted in our introductory…
The commandment to love and care for others, perhaps the most important in the entire Torah, while applicable to all is phrased in the context of one’s friend or neighbour. It is actually much harder to love a neighbour than a stranger. With…
One of the primary requirements of a get is that it be written
lishma, with the husband's intent of divorcing the specific women. This is derived from the biblical phrase vkatav lah, "and he [the husband]…
Timing is everything. Not only is picking the right time to do something crucial but recording that time can be equally important. This is especially true in matters of commerce where the proper or shall we say improper dating of documents can have…
In a well-known Midrash our Sages assert that one of the factors that prevented the total assimilation of the Jews in Egypt thereby allowing the Jews to be redeemed was that they did not change their names (Vayikra Rabba 32).…
How does one measure greatness in Torah learning? We can glean an important insight from the Talmudic discussion regarding the status of gittin in Bavel. As we have discussed in our prior posts the Mishna requires that those who bring a…
We live in a generation in which many seek chumrot, religious stringency. This can be most positive, hamachmir tavo alav bracha,a blessing accrues to one who is stringent. This can also be most negative as oftentimes…
One would not expect the laws of divorce to be affected by one's location. Thus it comes as a bit of a surprise to open masechet Gittin and read "one who brings a get from across the sea must say 'in front of me it…
After detailing the laws of the suspected adulteress the Mishna moves to masechet Gittin. While the law of the Sotah is no longer applicable the laws of gittin are unfortunately very much so.
The masechet begins with the law that…