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All of us are sinners. To be human means that we make mistakes, both inadvertent and intentional. Our tradition shows great respect for those who admit sin, even those who do not repent. They may be wrong in the eyes of Jewish law, but we can…
We live in an age of specialization. Whether it is business, medicine, sports, Torah, or technology, we train people to be expert in one small area, so that people today know increasing amounts about less and less. Trying to do too many…
Our Sages defined a chacham as one who is roeh et hanolad, who foresees the results of his actions. We live in a world which is focused on the here and now, with only the great amongst us able or even willing to try and see the impact on tomorrow of…
It is doubtful the Jewish life would exist as we know it if not for the leadership of Rav Yochanan ben Zackai. Seeing the terrible infighting that had beset the Jewish people, he realized that a rebuilding process was necessary. That rebuilding was…
I have a confession to make. I really like Yom Tov and look forward to having an extra day to celebrate. I know that is not the way the Torah envisioned Yom Tov, and I know my feelings may represent agalut mentality, yet I still…
The very first teaching in all of rabbinic literature[1] is the saying of the Men of the Great Assembly that those who render decisions on matters of Jewish law must be “metunim badin, deliberate in judgment” (Pirkei Avot 1:1).…
The Rambam, in discussing the prohibition of ba’al toseef (Devarim 4:2), the prohibition of adding to the Torah rules, said that one violates this Biblical law by claiming a rabbinic law is biblical in origin (Mamrim 2:9). The Torah gives the…
“An egg that was laid on Yom Tov: Beit Shammai says it may be eaten, and Beit Hillel says it may not be eaten”. For six pages, the Gemara discusses this poor little egg. The issues go far beyond an analysis of this debate—at least…