Transformations in Israeli Society Between Zionism, Multiculturalism & Judaism

The Israeli Society went through many change in recent years. Inner Israeli challenges such as the failure of the Peace Process, the disengagement from Gush Katif, the leadership crises, together with global changes of the Post-Modern society that had affected the culture of the society, caused a spiritual awakening in the general society, alongside with phenomena of radicalism. We will analyze the fine lines found within these transitions, and present the future of unity between the different sectors in the Israel society.

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Meet the speakers

Pnina Neuwirth

Pnina Neuwirth is a lawyer, specializing in Tax and Commercial law in Israel.  She holds a Bachelor Degree and a Masters Degree in Tax Law from the Hebrew University and currently is a Doctoral candidate in the field of International Taxation of E-commerce in Haifa University. She teaches in the following seminaries: the overseas program "Orot Israel" in Elkanna, Matan HaSharon Raanana and Midreshet Aviv seminary for girls in Tel Aviv. Between the years 2004-2006 Pnina was a visiting professor at

Pnina Neuwirth bio & resources

Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth

Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth is the Rabbi of Ohel Ari Congregation in Ra'annana and the director of Beit Hillel Beit Hillel, a Modern-Orthodox spiritual leadership organization comprised of over 200 rabbanim and rabbaniyot, aspires to guide the Religious Zionist community in a religiously-tolerant direction. Rabbi Neuwirth. received a B.A. in Mathematics and computer science from the Bar Ilan University in Israel.

Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth bio & resources