e-TiM: Online Program
Tehillim 119: Do We Serve God or the Torah?
Tehillim 119: Do We Serve God or the Torah?
Tehillim 119: Do We Serve God or the Torah?
Rabbi Jonathan Ziring is currently a Ram and the Education Coordinator at Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah in Modiin. Prior to that, he was the Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash of the YU-Torah Mitzion Zichron Dov Beit Midrash of Toronto, having served previously as a member of the Kollel Gavoah in Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) where he studied and taught. He has smicha from RIETS, an MA in Jewish Philosophy from Bernard Revel Graduate School, and a BA in Philosophy and Jewish Studies from…
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