Live Programs
Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Ari Perl

Join Rabbi Ari Perl for a fascinating and uplifting Shabbat, followed by his appearance at the Tisha B'Av Program.

Friday, Aug. 9:

6:30 pm (Mincha at 7;00pm): 
Asara Harugei Malchut: Where Martydom & Euthanasia Collide 

Saturday, Aug. 10:

Devar Torah before laining: 
Looking Past the Past 

After kiddush (Approx 11:20am): 
Heroism or Homicide? Jewish Perspectives on Organ Donation  

5:15pm (Mincha at 6:15 pm)
Bridging the Tablets: The Spiritual Journey of "Nechama" 

9:37pm ​(Maariv at 9:30pm)
Introduction to Eicha
following Eicha: brief introductions to the kinnot 


Meet the speaker

Rabbi Ari Perl

Rabbi Ari Perl is the Vice President for Jewish Community Engagement at LiveOnNY, the federally certified non-profit organization that oversees organ donation in the NYC region, where he educates the broader Jewish community about organ donation, and provides hospital-based pastoral support to families of Jewish ICU patients facing difficult end-of-life decisions. Prior to joining LiveOnNY, Rabbi Perl led congregations in Dallas (TX) and Long Island (NY). During his distinguished 20 year career in the rabbinate, he served in numerous community leadership positions including president of

Rabbi Ari Perl bio & resources