e-TiM: Online Program
My Heart is in the East Libi BaMizrach

In this five-part series we will discuss the religious doctrine, method of Halachic decision making (psak), and behavior of a number of central personalities amongst the Rabbinic figures of Isalmic countries in recent generations.

Regarding each one of the personalities in which we will study, our primary focus will be a close study of a number of selected halachic responsa (teshuvot), that demonstrate their method of psak (halachic decision-making) and the world view of the posek. Occasionally, we will see other types of texts, when relevant to the matter.

Complementary to the above, we will address the historical and geographical background, analyzing the cultural and religious contexts from which the personality operated (influences, schools of thought - Batei Midrash, students). In addition, general familiarity with the collective Torah works of the personality, and their contributions in the field of public, congregational leadership.


Part 1: Monday, July 12
HaRav Uziel - Conversion from Love

Part 2: Monday, July 19
The Ben Ish Chai and His Commentary on Aggadot Talmudiyot

Part 3: Monday, July 26
Rav Yosef M’Shash and His Approach Regarding Women who Learn Torah

Part 4: Monday, August 2
Rav Ovadia Yosef on those who “Remember Shabbat” (zachor) versus those who “Keep Shabbat” (shamor)

Part 5: Monday, August 9
R’ Chaim ben Attar - Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh in the Teachings of Hassidut



Meet the speaker

Rabbanit Shira Mirvis

Rabbanit Shira Marili Mirvis made history by being the first Israeli woman to be appointed the sole spiritual and halachic leader of an Orthodox congregation. Shira recently completed Ohr Torah Stone's five year program at the Susie Bradfield Women's Institute of Halachic Leadership. She also teaches on a popular weekly Talmud vlog through Hadran and recently started a podcast on Parshat Hashavua. She resides in Efrat with her husband and five children.

Rabbanit Shira Mirvis bio & resources

Classes of My Heart is in the East

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