e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Teshuvah in Tanakh

This four-part series will take place on Thursdays at 1:15pm, 8:15pm in Israel, from September 8 to 29.

Rabbi Dr. Beni Gesundheit’s Yamim Noraim series focuses on the topic of Teshuvah, the common
thread within the three Haftarot and the Torah reading of Parashat Teshuvah (Devarim 30), which
are read during this time period. The basic concepts and messages of Teshuvah in these four central
Biblical sources by Yonah, Moshe, Yirmeyahu and Hoshea, respectively, will be elucidated by close
reading and discussion of their relevant messages. Analysis of the texts will also enable us to
compare these insights on Teshuvah, their differences and common denominators. The visual
presentations that will be used will aid in the analysis of these Biblical texts and help us gain a
deeper understanding of the religious and philosophical messages in the Tefilot of the Yamim
Noraim. User-friendly handouts for the study of the texts with references to the author’s Hebrew
publications will be available online.

Sept. 8/12 Elul
Book of Yonah (Haftarah for Minchah on Yom Kippur)

The structure and meaning of the Book of Yonah are presented
based on textual analysis. By close reading of selected texts and
the historical background, the Biblical messages and their
relevance for Yom Kippur are presented.

Sept. 15/19 Elul
Parashat Teshuvah Devarim 30, 1-10.
(Parashat HaShavua, last Shabbat of 5782)

In Devarim 30, 1-10, Moshe describes religious, personal, and
historical aspects of Teshuvah. Close reading of the text shows
the steps toward Teshuvah and presents its development. Its
messages will also be discussed.

Sept. 22/26 Elul
Yirmeyahu 31
(Haftara for Rosh Hashanah)

Prior to the destruction of the 1 st Temple, Yirmeyahu’s prophetic
vision describes the Jewish people’s exile to Babylon, followed by
their return to Zion during the 2nd Temple period. The relevance
for Rosh Hashanah will be elucidated by close reading of the
selected text.

Sept. 29/4 Tishrei
Hoshea 14, 2-10
(Haftarah for Shabbat Shuvah)

The last chapter of the Book of Hoshea focuses on Teshuvah and
offers a positive summary and outlook on the entire book. The
concept of Teshuvah and its relevance for Shabbat Teshuvah are
clarified by close reading of Hoshea 14 and analytical comparison
to previous chapters.

Classes of e-TiM: Teshuvah in Tanakh

Source Material

Meet the speaker

Dr. Beni Gesundheit

Dr. Beni Gesundheit studied for five years at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shvut, Israel.  He attended medical school in Switzerland, and did his residency in pediatrics at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Dr. Gesundheit completed a fellowship in pediatric hematology-oncology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in bioethics from the University of Toronto (2004), with a dissertation on Jewish medical ethics. Dr. Gesundheit has been employed by Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva, Hadassah Hospital

Dr. Beni Gesundheit bio & resources