e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Introduction to Midrash

Midrash is ubiquitous in Jewish scholarship, yet often misunderstood. In this course, we will study a range of midrashic sources to acquire basic skills in Midrash study and answer some of the important questions fundamental to the study of Midrash: What is Midrash? Why is it so central to our thinking? Why did the Rabbis write in midrashic style? How are we to relate to the factuality of ‘fantastical’ midrashim?

Her six-part series will take place on Tuesdays, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern:

Part 1: Tuesday, November 3

Part 2: Tuesday, November 10 

Part 3: Tuesday, November 17

Part 4: Tuesday, November 24

Part 5: Tuesday, December 1

Part 6: Tuesday, December 8


Classes of e-TiM: Introduction to Midrash

Source Material

Meet the speaker

Simi Peters

Simi Peters, author of Learning to Read Midrash, is an internationally acclaimed Jewish educator and speaker. She has a Masters degree in Linguistics from the Graduate Center of CUNY, and is a graduate of the prestigious Jerusalem Fellows program. With unique expertise in Tanach, Biblical exegesis, and Midrash, she specializes in providing access to a wide variety of classic Jewish texts for audiences at all levels of Jewish literacy and experience. Her interactive style is warm, inclusive and intellectually engaging. She lives with her family in Jerusalem.

Simi Peters bio & resources