e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: How the Ba’al Shem Tov Changed the World: Major concepts in Hasidic thought

This series will focus on the early period of Hasidism – the Baal Shem Tov and his circle, with attention to some of the central innovations of Hasidic teaching that are attributed to these figures.

Professor Ora Wiskind integrates insights concerning the history of ideas and the place of Hasidism on the broader horizon of Jewish thought.

1. Beginnings: The historical, social, religious context; past and future trends in the study of Hasidism; core concepts and modes of reading

2. Major figures: Rabbi Israel Ba’al Shem Tov and his circle; the master-disciple relationship and its transformative potential; storytelling

3. Being human and beyond: Holiness in the everyday; corporeity and transcendence

4. Unleashing the power of language: Speech, prayer, Torah study 

5. ‘When your wellsprings will flow forth’: Continuity and renewal


Modern, Chassidut

Meet the speaker

Professor Ora Wiskind

Ora Wiskind received her B.A. from Northwestern University in Comparative literature, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Hebrew literature. She is Associate Professor of Jewish Thought and serves as Head of the Graduate Program in Jewish Studies at Michlalah College, Jerusalem. Her research interests include Jewish thought and literary studies, Hasidism, and the interface between scriptural exegesis, culture and hermeneutics. Drawing from a range of disciplines, she seeks to integrate two approaches that are often

Professor Ora Wiskind bio & resources

Classes of e-TiM: How the Ba’al Shem Tov Changed the World: Major concepts in Hasidic thought

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