e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: From the End of the Kingdom of Judah to the Return to Zion
This series will take place on Tuesdays at 12:00pm Eastern (7:00pm in Israel) beginning June 21
Topics will include:
June 21: The Babylonian rise (605 BCE), King Jehoiachin’s exile (597 BCE), God’s Glory Departs from the Temple [2 Kings 24; Ezekiel 1; 9-11]
June 28: Correspondents between Jerusalem and the exilic community in Babylonia [Jeremiah 24; 29; Ezekiel 11; 24; 33]
July 5: The Destruction of the Kingdom of Judah (586 BCE), The Babylonian Exile [2 Kings 25; Ezekiel 1; Jeremiah 33-40; 52; Lamentations 5]
July 12: People, Prophet, and God Respond to the Destruction [Ezekiel 33; Al-Yahudu Clay Tablets; Jeremiah 44; Psalms 126; 137]
July 19: Until when? Seventy-year prophecies [Jeremiah 25;29; Zechariah1; 7; Daniel 9]
July 26: The Persian Empire (Cyrus Declaration, 538 BCE), The First Returnees [2 Chr. 36:1-21; Isaiah 44:21 – 45:7; Ezra 1; Isaiah 44-45; Daniel 1-2]
August 2: The Foundation of the Second Temple (522-520 BCE); The Fasts and their continued observance (518 BCE); The Inauguration of the second Temple (516 BCE) [Ezra 2-6; Zechariah 1-8; Haggai 1-2]