e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: From the End of the Kingdom of Judah to the Return to Zion

This series will take place on Tuesdays at 12:00pm Eastern (7:00pm in Israel) beginning June 21

Topics will include:

June 21: The Babylonian rise (605 BCE), King Jehoiachin’s exile (597 BCE), God’s Glory Departs from the Temple [2 Kings 24; Ezekiel 1; 9-11]

June 28: Correspondents between Jerusalem and the exilic community in Babylonia [Jeremiah 24; 29; Ezekiel 11; 24; 33]

July 5: The Destruction of the Kingdom of Judah (586 BCE), The Babylonian Exile [2 Kings 25; Ezekiel 1; Jeremiah 33-40; 52; Lamentations 5]

July 12: People, Prophet, and God Respond to the Destruction [Ezekiel 33; Al-Yahudu Clay Tablets; Jeremiah 44; Psalms 126; 137]

July 19: Until when? Seventy-year prophecies [Jeremiah 25;29; Zechariah1; 7; Daniel 9]

July 26: The Persian Empire (Cyrus Declaration, 538 BCE), The First Returnees [2 Chr. 36:1-21; Isaiah 44:21 – 45:7; Ezra 1; Isaiah 44-45; Daniel 1-2]

August 2: The Foundation of the Second Temple (522-520 BCE); The Fasts and their continued observance (518 BCE); The Inauguration of the second Temple (516 BCE) [Ezra 2-6; Zechariah 1-8; Haggai 1-2]

Meet the speaker

Dr. Tova Ganzel

Tova Ganzel, Ph.D. (2005), Bar-Ilan University Israel, is a Senior Lecturer at the Multidisciplinary Department of Jewish Studies at the University and Head of the Cramim Jewish Studies Honors Program. Her broad area of interest is prophetic literature in the context of the larger ancient Near Eastern world. She has published on prophetic literature with a specialization in the book of Ezekiel. Her Book Destruction and Restoration in the Seer’s Prophecy: Studies in the Prophecies of Ezekiel was published in 2012 [Hebrew] and 2020 [English], her recent research focuses on

Dr. Tova Ganzel bio & resources

Classes of e-TiM: From the End of the Kingdom of Judah to the Return to Zion

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