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A Game of Sources...and more

Torah in Motion is delighted to welcome Rabbi Meir Fachler as Scholar in Residence at the Or Chaim Minyan for Shabbat, Parshat Emor, May 13.

On Thursday, Rabbi Fachler presented "Learning to Think Like a Talmid Chacham: A Talmud Learning Workshop." Rabbi Fachler led a hands-on workshop on how Gemara Berura’s uniquely crafted software, combined with a fresh but traditional approach to learning, can help enable every Jewish child to approach any Mishna or Gemara and decipher what it is doing (shakla vetrya), and using that to work out what it is saying (content).

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Meir Fachler

Rabbi Meir Fachler is the Managing Director of Gemara Berura, a standards-aligned, technology assisted approach to teaching Mishna and Gemara that is currently being implemented in nearly 100 schools in Israel and North America – which as of this year this includes Toronto’s own Netivot Hatorah. He recently led a team of experts to create the Core Standards for Teaching Mishna and Gemara document, which was subsequently adopted by the Israel Ministry of Education Torah She’Be’Al’Peh Inspectorate as official policy

Rabbi Meir Fachler bio & resources