Practical Suggestions for Real-World Issues
Featuring Estate Planning and Halacha, with Rabbi S. Weissmann, and Building Resilience in Modern Times, by Leanne Matlow.
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Meet the speakers

Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann
Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann is the Director of the Beth Din of America. Rabbi Weissmann received rabbinical ordination from RIETS in 2001 and advanced rabbinical ordination (Yadin Yadin) in 2014. He is a graduate of Columbia Law School, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. Prior to his association with the Beth Din of America, Rabbi Weissmann worked as an attorney at several prominent law firms, including Debevoise and Plimpton LLP.

Leanne Matlow
Leanne is a cognitive behavioural therapy counsellor with a private practice specializing in anxiety for children and adolescents. She is trained as a teacher and guidance counsellor, with a Masters degree from Toronto’s Institute of Child Study, OISE and certificates in CBT from the Beck Institute in Philadelphia. Discovering the prevalence of anxiety issues in the classroom setting, and their regular misdiagnosis as academic concerns, Leanne has become a mental health advocate who speaks regularly about anxiety in the classroom to parent and…