A Case Study in Blowing the Whistle
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Meet the speakers

Dr. Mark Schwartz
Dr. Mark Schwartz is Assistant Professor, Governance, Law and Ethic at Atkinson's School of Administrative Studies . Previously, he was Acting Director of the Business Ethics Program at the Schulich School of Business, York University . From 2000-2003, he was lecturer of business ethics in the Legal Studies Department at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania . He received his PhD from the Schulich School of Business, York University in 1999, focusing on the subject of business ethics. He graduated…

Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir
Asher Meir is one of the Jewish world's best-known lecturers and educators in the area of business ethics. Rabbi Dr Meir, research director at the prestigious Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem, reaches a wide audience through his weekly "Ethics@Work" column in the Jerusalem Post, through the popular syndicated column "The Jewish Ethicist", and through his lectures and books.His extensive background includes being educated at Harvard, and obtaining a Ph.D. in economics from MIT. He has worked on the staff of…