Germany | Torah In Motion

Articles Germany

Reflections from Frankfurt, Germany

  Often when we think of Frankfurt we think of Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch. And for good reason. He almost single handedly is responsible…

Reflections from Worms, Germany

Moving along the Rhine from Mainz one arrives in Worms. Along with Mainz and Speyer Worms is one of the Kehilot Shum, the three great centres of…

Musings from Mainz, Germany

  Askenazic Jewry begins as Jews settle along the Rhine river in the middle decades of the tenth century. While individual Jews may have…

Reflections from Germany - Part 3

  In our last post I discussed our meeting three of the communal rabbis of Berlin. We also met with the Rabbi of the separatist…

Some More Reflections from Berlin Germany

Of the approximately 520,000 Jews living in Germany in 1933 over 300,000 emigrated before the war. Living under Nazi rule they saw the danger long…

Reflections from Berlin

On May 12, 2015 Reuven Rivlin, President of the State of Israel, addressed the German parliament--fifty years to the day of the…

Mattot-Massei: A Sojourn in Germany

“And these are the travels of the children of Israel”. We know little of many of the places the Jewish people encamped during their stay in the…