Bava Batra | Torah In Motion

Articles Bava Batra

Bava Batra 29: Ode to Rashi

It is hard to imagine what the Jewish world would be like without Rashi. Well, maybe not so hard. Without Rashi our understanding of Chumash would be…

Bava Batra 14: Make it Beautiful

Every once in a while one comes across a Talmudic story that makes one shake one’s head in disbelief. As we discussed in our last post, the…

heart bursting

Bava Batra 13: Splitting Up

The opening Mishna of Bava Batra teaches that in the interest of privacy, one neighbour can force the other to build a wall dividing their common…

Bava Batra 10: Put it in Writing

Visiting Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin as Torah in Motion “Journeyed through Jewish History”, sitting in the beautifully rebuilt, but…

Bava Batra 9: Please Sir, May I Have Some More?

The Ramah in his glosses to the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 249:1) rules that the mitzva of tzedakah can only be fulfilled by giving to the poor. This…

Bava Batra 8: Come On In

“We force him [the resident of a courtyard] to contribute to the building of the guard’s gate” (Bava Batra 7b). When we think of a…

Bava Batra 4: Good Fences

The opening pages of Bava Batra discuss how neighbours can force one another to build a fence between their properties. As we discussed in a prior…

Bava Batra 3: Time for a New Shul

“Rav Chisda said: One may not destroy a beit knesset until another one is built” (Bava Batra 3b). After spending close to two double-…

Bava Batra 2: Mind Your Own Business

There is a beautiful custom to recite “ma tovu, how goodly are your tents Jacob and your dwelling place Israel” (Bamidbar 24:6). These…

An Introduction to Bava Batra

The three Bavas - Kamma, Metzia and Batra - are the bread and butter of Talmudic learning. If I, like many others, began my formal learning of Talmud…