Pesachim | Torah In Motion

Articles Pesachim

yellow clocks

Pesachim 11: Telling Time

The halachic legal system is much more than a set of abstract principles or technical details. It incorporates factors such as human…

Pesachim 9a: When In Doubt...Eat

"Two verses that contradict each other, until a third verse is found and reconciles between them". This 13th and last of the interpretive…

Pesachim 7a: Who Carries Your Water?

Rav Yisrael Salanter, the 19th century founder of the mussar movement, was asked by his students what the most important concern is when baking…

Pesachim 4a: The Rent is Too High

Landlord-tenant disputes are the bread and butter of many a lawyer. No law can account for any eventuality, and the inherent conflict of interest…

Pesachim 3b: Story of a Bigmouth

Great leaders are great strategists. The Talmud (Pesachim 3b) relates that a certain non-Jew was bragging of how he used to travel to…

Pesachim 2-3: Light Up the Night

"To tell of  Your loving-kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness at night" (Tehilim 92:3). Night and day, from a Jewish…

Pesachim: Some Opening Thoughts

"On the night of the 14th [of Nissan], one [begins the] search for chametz". So begins mashechet Pesachim, the tractate dealing with…