Travel Date:

• Visit Rome, Florence, Pisa, Pitigliano, Siena, Venice and more

• A central feature of the tour will be Dr. Shapiro’s expert discussions of the many places we will visit

• An unforgettable experience with a focus on Jewish history



"Thanks to Torah in Motion, we were able to view Italy from two perspectives. Marc taught us Jewish-Italian history, taking us to fascinating places few tourists get to see. Native Italian guides showed us the iconic sites of Rome, Florence and Venice. This made the tour a wonderful, educational experience."
Mady and Ethan Kra
"Kudos to Marc – he made the trip a truly memorable and enjoyable experience."
- Steve and Mali Schwartz
"Marc has been such an inspiration to us all. We couldn't have had a more interesting, knowledgable guide. He has so much to share, relating one aspect of Yiddishkeit as we may know it now to other, historical practices, and taking us to walk in the steps of our Sages--including Galileo. Thank you for this tremendous opportunity."
- Susan DeRosa