“In ten utterances did G-d create the world” (Avot 5:1). It is thus not surprising that many see man’s ability to speak as the…
Parshat Pinchas presents us with at least three distinct models of leadership. Our parsha gets its name from the zealotry of Pinchas who,…
As I noted in my last post I had the honour of speaking at the Beit Yehudah synagogue in Budapest last shabbat. Below is a summary of…
The transition point from the generation that left Egypt to the one that entered the Land of Israel is never mentioned in the Torah. The Torah does…
Tzizit and Mezuzah are two of the most popular and easy to fulfil mitzvot. Thankfully, even Jews who are very far removed from…
Great people are not afraid to put their name behind their convictions. “And Calev quieted the people for Moshe and said, ‘We will rise…
“Moshe said to his father-in-law, ‘We are now on our way to the place that G-d promised to us. Come with us and we will let you share the benefit of…
The Torah was given to us on at least two occasions. The first revelation, just weeks after the exodus was ineffectual as the people built a golden…
Sefer Bamidbar can be viewed as a book of missed opportunities. A small group of Jewish slaves—the midrash claims no more than one in…
“And a lot of livestock did the children of the Reuven and Gad have and they saw the Ya’azer, and Gilead areas that were good for livestock” (…
While it is undoubtedly true that people get the leaders they deserve, it is also true that great leaders are often—though not always—able to inspire…
“And the Jewish people, the entire congregation, came to Midbar Zin in the first month, and they dwelled in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and…
“Im Bryiah Yivrah, But if the Lord creates a creation, and the earth opens its mouth, patzta et piha, and swallows them and all that is theirs,…
One of the most fascinating features of the Torah is the mixing of law and narrative. Nowhere is this more evident than in sefer Bamidbar.…
One can reasonably argue that the primary theme of sefer Bamidbar is that of leadership. How much responsibility must a leader take for the…
It is amazing how two people can look at the exact same thing and yet see things very differently. This is likely the reason that the Torah often…
One of the hallmarks of a strong society is its ability to smoothly effect change. New leaders and policies, crises and confrontations are all dealt…
When the eighth day of Pesach falls on Shabbat, those of us living outside of Israel lain the special Torah reading for Yom Tov Sheni[1],…
Success and great leadership go hand in hand. That is why organizations, sports teams and even countries can continue to excel or flounder year after…
In a world in which image and marketing play such a crucial role, perception is often more important than reality. In fact, perception often creates…
Judaism has always understood that miracles have very little long-term impact on one's behaviour. During our nation's infancy in Egypt miracles were…
The lust for power can destroy a person. It is amazing how people who are otherwise very competent are blinded to reality when the smell of power is…
Having the right people for the wrong job can lead to tragic consequences. Such was the fate of the meraglim. Twelve handpicked leaders, who…
“[Then journeyed] the flag of the camp of Dan m'aseif, the gatherer, of all the camps” (Bamidbar 10:25). As the Jewish people prepared to…